The magic wishing well boxing academy

start your journey.

Who are we?

A fully accredited and fully funded boxing academy with gym access and various weekly classes for all levels. We offer sponsorship opportunities for up and coming young boxers as well as rehabilitation opportunities for young offenders within the local community, allowing free access to equipment and classes in a community safe zone.  

get involved.

There are lots of ways to get involved with our work. whether you are looking for sponsorship as a pro boxer or would like to support an up and coming athlete on their journey, we'd love to hear from you.

sponsorships FOR

PRO Boxers

Generate revenue and exposure by joining our growing list of pro boxers.



A sponsorship investment opportunity for businesses to change young peoples lives.



With YOUR help we can guide troubled youngsters into professional career opportunities.

donate a kit.

A £5 donation will buy a child their own boxing gloves, focus pads, clothing and hand wraps at The Magic Wishing Well Boxing Academy.

(Please enter your Payment methods data on the settings pages.)

donate a kit.

A £5 donation will buy a child their own boxing gloves, focus pads, clothing and hand wraps at The Magic Wishing Well Boxing Academy.

(Please enter your Payment methods data on the settings pages.)

our values.

our goals.

our values.

our goals.